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asp.net core 依赖注入问题

     最近.net core可以跨平台了,这是一个伟大的事情,为了可以赶上两年以后的跨平台部署大潮,我也加入到了学习之列。今天研究的是依赖注入,但是我发现一个问题,困扰我很久,现在我贴出来,希望可以有人帮忙解决或回复一下。


asp.net core 依赖注入问题asp.net core 依赖注入问题

通过截图可以看到scope和Single每次浏览器刷新都会改变,scope改变可以理解,就是每次请求都会改变。但是single 每次都改变就不对了。应该保持一个唯一值才对。



 1 namespace CoreStudy 2 { 3   public class Program 4   { 5     public static void Main(string[] args) 6     { 7       Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); 8       var host = new WebHostBuilder() 9         .UseKestrel()//使用服务器serve10         .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())11         .UseIISIntegration()//使用IIS12         .UseStartup<Startup>()//使用起始页13         .Build();//IWebHost14 15       host.Run();//构建用于宿主应用程序的IWebHost16       //然后启动它来监听传入的HTTP请求17     }18   }19 }

Startup.cs 文件代码

 1 namespace CoreStudy 2 { 3   public class Startup 4   { 5     public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory logger) 6     { 7       var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() 8         .SetBasePath(env.ContentRootPath) 9         .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)10         .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)11         .AddEnvironmentVariables();12       builder.AddInMemoryCollection();13 14     }15     // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.16     // For more information on how to configure your application, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=39894017     public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)18     {//定义服务      19       services.AddMvc();20       services.AddLogging();21       services.AddTransient<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>();22       services.AddTransient<IGuidTransientAppService, TransientAppService>();23 24       services.AddScoped<IGuidScopeAppService, ScopeAppService>();25 26       services.AddSingleton<IGuidSingleAppService, SingleAppService>();27     }28 29     // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.30     public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IApplicationLifetime appLifetime)31     {//定义中间件32 33       if (env.IsDevelopment())34       {35         app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();36         app.UseBrowserLink();37         app.UseDatabaseErrorPage();38 39       }40       else41       {42         app.UseExceptionHandler("/Home/Error");43       }44       app.UseStaticFiles();45       //app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions() {46       //   FileProvider=new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),@"staticFiles")),47       //    RequestPath="/staticfiles"48       // });49       //默认路由设置50       app.UseMvc(routes =>51       {52         routes.MapRoute(name: "default", template: "{controller=Person}/{action=Index}/{id?}");53       });54 55      56     }57   }58 }



 1 namespace CoreStudy 2 { 3   public interface IGuideAppService 4   { 5     Guid GuidItem(); 6   } 7   public interface IGuidTransientAppService:IGuideAppService 8   { } 9   public interface IGuidScopeAppService:IGuideAppService10   { }11   public interface IGuidSingleAppService:IGuideAppService12   { }13 14 }15 16 namespace CoreStudy17 {18   public class GuidAppService : IGuideAppService19   {20     private readonly Guid item;21     public GuidAppService()22     {23       item = Guid.NewGuid();24     }25     public Guid GuidItem()26     {27       return item;28     }29     30   }31   public class TransientAppService:GuidAppService,IGuidTransientAppService32   {33 34   }35 36   public class ScopeAppService:GuidAppService,IGuidScopeAppService37   { }38   public class SingleAppService:GuidAppService,IGuidSingleAppService39   { }40 }


控制器中 通过构造函数注入方式注入:

 1 namespace CoreStudy.Controllers 2 { 3   /// <summary> 4   /// 控制器方法 5   /// </summary> 6   public class PersonController : Controller 7   { 8     private readonly IGuidTransientAppService transientService; 9     private readonly IGuidScopeAppService scopedService;10     private readonly IGuidSingleAppService singleService;11 12 13     private IPersonRepository personRepository = null;14     /// <summary>15     /// 构造函数16     /// </summary>17     /// <param name="repository"></param>18     public PersonController(IGuidTransientAppService trsn, IGuidScopeAppService scope, IGuidSingleAppService single)19     {20       this.transientService = trsn;21       this.scopedService = scope;22       this.singleService = single;23     }24 25     /// <summary>26     /// 主页方法27     /// </summary>28     /// <returns></returns>29     public IActionResult Index()30     {31       ViewBag.TransientService = this.transientService.GuidItem();32 33       ViewBag.scopeService = this.scopedService.GuidItem();34 35       ViewBag.singleservice = this.scopedService.GuidItem();36 37       return View();38     }39 40 41   }42 }


 1 @{ 2   ViewData["Title"] = "Person Index"; 3   Layout = null; 4 } 5  6 <form asp-controller="person" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form">  7   <h4>创建账户</h4> 8   <hr /> 9  <div class="row">10    <div class="col-md-4">11      <span>TransientService:</span>12       @ViewBag.TransientService13    </div>    14  </div>15   <div class="row">16     <span>Scope</span>17     @ViewBag.ScopeService18   </div>19   <div class="row">20     <span>Single</span>21     @ViewBag.SingleService22   </div>23   <div class="col-md-4">24     @await Component.InvokeAsync("Greeting");25   </div>26 </form>




.Net Core来了,我们又可以通过学习来涨工资了。

原标题:asp.net core 依赖注入问题


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