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Winform DataGridView列的单元格中动态添加图片和文字


Winform DataGridView列的单元格中动态添加图片和文字


 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Windows.Forms; 6 using System.Drawing; 7  8 namespace DataGridViewTest 9 { 10   public class TextAndImageColumn : DataGridViewTextBoxColumn 11   { 12     private Image imageValue; 13     private Size imageSize; 14  15     public TextAndImageColumn() 16     { 17       this.CellTemplate = new TextAndImageCell(); 18     } 19  20     public override object Clone() 21     { 22       TextAndImageColumn c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageColumn; 23       c.imageValue = this.imageValue; 24       c.imageSize = this.imageSize; 25       return c; 26     } 27  28     public Image Image 29     { 30       get { return this.imageValue; } 31       set 32       { 33         if (this.Image != value) 34         { 35           this.imageValue = value; 36           this.imageSize = value.Size; 37  38           if (this.InheritedStyle != null) 39           { 40             Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding; 41             this.DefaultCellStyle.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width, 42           inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right, 43           inheritedPadding.Bottom); 44           } 45         } 46       } 47     } 48     private TextAndImageCell TextAndImageCellTemplate 49     { 50       get { return this.CellTemplate as TextAndImageCell; } 51     } 52     internal Size ImageSize 53     { 54       get { return imageSize; } 55     } 56   } 57  58   public class TextAndImageCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell 59   { 60     private Image imageValue; 61     private Size imageSize; 62  63     public override object Clone() 64     { 65       TextAndImageCell c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageCell; 66       c.imageValue = this.imageValue; 67       c.imageSize = this.imageSize; 68       return c; 69     } 70  71     public Image Image 72     { 73       get 74       { 75         if (this.OwningColumn == null || 76      this.OwningTextAndImageColumn == null) 77         { 78  79           return imageValue; 80         } 81         else if (this.imageValue != null) 82         { 83           return this.imageValue; 84         } 85         else 86         { 87           return this.OwningTextAndImageColumn.Image; 88         } 89       } 90       set 91       { 92         if (this.imageValue != value) 93         { 94           this.imageValue = value; 95           this.imageSize = value.Size; 96  97           Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding; 98           this.Style.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width, 99           inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right,100           inheritedPadding.Bottom);101         }102       }103     }104     protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds,105    Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState,106    object value, object formattedValue, string errorText,107     DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,108     DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,109     DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)110     {111       // Paint the base content112       base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState,113        value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle,114        advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);115 116       if (this.Image != null)117       {118         // Draw the image clipped to the cell.119         System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer container =120         graphics.BeginContainer();121 122         graphics.SetClip(cellBounds);123         graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(this.Image, cellBounds.Location);124 125         graphics.EndContainer(container);126       }127     }128 129     private TextAndImageColumn OwningTextAndImageColumn130     {131       get { return this.OwningColumn as TextAndImageColumn; }132     }133   }134 }


 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.ComponentModel; 4 using System.Data; 5 using System.Drawing; 6 using System.Linq; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Windows.Forms; 9 using System.Data.SqlClient; 10  11 namespace DataGridViewTest 12 { 13   public partial class Form1 : Form 14   { 15     private static string imagePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Substring(0, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.IndexOf("bin")) + "Images\\";//列表图片路径 16     public Form1() 17     { 18       InitializeComponent(); 19       InitControlsProperties(); 20     } 21  22     private void InitControlsProperties() 23     { 24       this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; 25       TextAndImageColumn ColumnRoleID = new TextAndImageColumn(); 26       ColumnRoleID.DataPropertyName = "RoleID"; 27       ColumnRoleID.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; 28       ColumnRoleID.Name = "RoleID"; 29       ColumnRoleID.HeaderText = "权限ID"; 30       ColumnRoleID.Width = 200; 31       this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(ColumnRoleID); 32  33       this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; 34       TextAndImageColumn ColumnRoleName = new TextAndImageColumn(); 35       ColumnRoleName.DataPropertyName = "RoleName"; 36       ColumnRoleName.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; 37       ColumnRoleName.Name = "RoleName"; 38       ColumnRoleName.HeaderText = "权限名称"; 39       ColumnRoleName.Width = 100; 40       this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(ColumnRoleName); 41  42       this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false; 43       TextAndImageColumn ColumnDescription = new TextAndImageColumn(); 44       ColumnDescription.DataPropertyName = "Description"; 45       ColumnDescription.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; 46       ColumnDescription.Name = "Description"; 47       ColumnDescription.HeaderText = "描述"; 48       ColumnDescription.Width = 150; 49       this.dataGridView1.Columns.Add(ColumnDescription); 50     } 51  52     private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 53     { 54       string strConn = "Data Source=XIAN-PC;Initial Catalog=ReportServer;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=sa"; 55       SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); 56       string strSql = "select * from Roles"; 57       SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strSql, conn); 58       SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); 59       DataSet ds = new DataSet(); 60       conn.Open(); 61       adapter.Fill(ds, "Roles"); 62       conn.Close(); 63       this.dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["Roles"]; 64     } 65  66     private void dataGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) 67     { 68       #region 第二列 69       if (e.ColumnIndex == 1) 70       { 71         TextAndImageCell cell = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex] as TextAndImageCell; 72         if (cell != null && e.Value != null) 73         { 74           try 75           { 76             string ajzt = cell.Value.ToString(); 77             string path = imagePath; 78             switch (ajzt) 79             { 80               case "发布者": 81                 path += "1.png"; 82                 break; 83               case "浏览者": 84                 path += "2.png"; 85                 break;               86               default: 87                 path += "3.png"; 88                 break; 89             } 90             cell.Image = GetImage(path); 91           } 92           catch (Exception ex) 93           { 94  95           } 96         } 97       } 98       #endregion 99     }100 101     public System.Drawing.Image GetImage(string path)102     {103       return System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path);104     }105 106   }107 }


原标题:Winform DataGridView列的单元格中动态添加图片和文字


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