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Html Code
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 1 var iHeight = 0; 2 var iTop = 0; 3 var clientHeight = 0; 4 var iIntervalId = null; 5 var itemsSize = 0; 6 var pageNo = 1;  // 当前页数,默认设为第 1 页 7 var pageSize = 4; // 每页显示的数量 8  9 getPageHeight(); 10  11 // 添加定时检测事件,每2秒检测一次 12 iIntervalId = setInterval("_onScroll();", 2000); 13  14 // 取得当前页面显示所占用的高度 15 function getPageHeight() { 16   if (document.body.clientHeight && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { 17     clientHeight = (document.body.clientHeight < document.documentElement.clientHeight) ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight; 18   } else { 19  20     clientHeight = (document.body.clientHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight) ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight; 21   } 22  23   iHeight = Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight); 24 } 25  26 // 调用ajax取服务端数据 27 function show() { 28   //      pageNo++; 29   //      $.ajax({ 30   //        url: 'Handler.ashx?p=' + pageNo + '&r=' + Math.random(), 31   //        type: 'GET', 32   //        dataType: 'text', 33   //        timeout: 4000, 34   //        beforeSend: showLoadingImg, 35   //        error: showFailure, 36   //        success: function (date){ 37   //把取出的数据转换为html 38   //        } 39   //      }); 40   showDate(); 41 } 42  43 function showDate() { 44   var pageOffset = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize + 1; 45   itemsSize = 8; 46   var nextpagehtml = ''; 47   for (i = 0; i < itemsSize; i++) { 48     nextpagehtml += '<ul >'; 49     nextpagehtml += '<li ><a href="#" target="_blank" title="tupian"><img src='/images/loading.gif' data-original="image/201411.jpg"  /></a></li>'; 50     nextpagehtml += '<li ><span >' + (pageOffset + i) + '</span><a href="#" target="_blank" title="tupian">链接</a></li>'; 51  52     nextpagehtml += '</ul>'; 53   } 54   nextpagehtml += '<div ></div>'; 55   $('#items').html($('#items').html() + nextpagehtml); 56  57   // 当前页码数小于3页时继续显示更多提示框 58   if (pageNo < 3) { 59     $('#showmore').html('<a href="javascript:show()">显示更多结果</a>'); 60   } else { 61     clearInterval(iIntervalId); 62     $('#showmore').hide(); 63   } 64 } 65  66 function showLoadingImg() { 67   $('#showmore').html('<a href="javascript:show()"><img src='/images/loading.gif' data-original="image/load.jpg" height="32px" />显示更多结果</a>'); 68 } 69  70 function showFailure() { 71   $('#showmore').html('<font color=red> 获取查询数据出错 </font>'); 72 } 73  74 // 判断滚动条是否到达底部 75 function reachBottom() { 76   var scrollTop = 0; 77   if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { 78     scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop; 79   } else if (document.body) { 80     scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; 81   } 82   if ((scrollTop > 0) && (scrollTop + clientHeight == iHeight)) { 83     return true; 84   } else { 85     return false; 86   } 87 } 88  89 // 检测事件,检测滚动条是否接近或到达页面的底部区域,0.99是为了更接近底部时 90 function _onScroll() { 91   iTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; 92   getPageHeight(); 93   if (((iTop + clientHeight) > parseInt(iHeight * 0.99)) || reachBottom()) { 94     if (pageNo >= 3) { 95       clearInterval(iIntervalId); 96       $('#showmore').hide(); 97       return; 98     } 99     show();100   }101 };






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