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HttpsURLConnection 利用keepAlive特性进行优化一例

发布时间:2016-11-27 22:00:27
最近项目中,遇到一个报错:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread报错的场景是:一个消息的群发,群里总共有50多个人,一群发 tomcat 就崩溃了,查看日志报上面的错误。这个错误的基本情况是,没 ...


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

报错的场景是:一个消息的群发,群里总共有50多个人,一群发 tomcat 就崩溃了,查看日志报上面的错误。

这个错误的基本情况是,没有内存来创建新的本地线程了,因为java中创建的线程,最终是要对应到本地线程。基本的解决方法,是减小:xss 的数值,页就是减小 java 线程stack 占用内存的大小,一般可以改小到 128k。


http://stackoverflow.com/ 上也有很多分析好答案。

You have a chance to face the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread whenever the JVM asks for a new thread from the OS. Whenever the underlying OS cannot allocate a new native thread, this OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. The exact limit for native threads is very platform-dependent thus we recommend to find out those limits by running a test similar to the below example.


	public static void main(String[] args) {		LongAdder adder = new LongAdder();		while(true){		  new Thread(new Runnable(){		    public void run() {		      try {		      	adder.increment();		        Thread.sleep(10000000);		      } catch(InterruptedException e) { 		      			      }    		    }  		  }).start();		  System.out.println(adder.longValue());		}			}



原标题:HttpsURLConnection 利用keepAlive特性进行优化一例


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