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Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

发布时间:2016-09-09 18:00:07
创建上下文菜单项 1、新建一个ATL Project。2、建议将Project Property中Linker – General - “Register Output” 设为no,C/C++ - &l ...

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM



1、新建一个ATL Project。

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

2、建议将Project Property中Linker – General - “Register Output” 设为no,C/C++ - “Code Generation” - “Runtime Library” 设为 /MTd。

 Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

3、在Solution Explorer中右键Add Class,选择ATL Simple Object。并在弹出的对话框中为该Class命名。

 Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

4、添加完成后建议Build一下Project,MIDL compiler将根据 .idl文件生成IIDs and CLSIDs。

 Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

5、(可选)在Solution Explorer中右键Add Resource导入图标资源。

 Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

6、切换到新增Class的 .h文件中,使其继承接口IShellExtInit和IContextMenu。并在 .cpp文件中,参照MSDN给出实现。

 Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM

Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COMCreating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM
 1 // MyContextMenu.h : Declaration of the CMyContextMenu 2  3 #pragma once 4 #include "resource.h"    // main symbols 5  6  7  8 #include "ContextMenuExample_i.h" 9 #include <Shlobj.h>10 11 12 13 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(_CE_DCOM) && !defined(_CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA)14 #error "Single-threaded COM objects are not properly supported on Windows CE platform, such as the Windows Mobile platforms that do not include full DCOM support. Define _CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA to force ATL to support creating single-thread COM object's and allow use of it's single-threaded COM object implementations. The threading model in your rgs file was set to 'Free' as that is the only threading model supported in non DCOM Windows CE platforms."15 #endif16 17 using namespace ATL;18 19 20 // CMyContextMenu21 22 class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMyContextMenu :23   public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,24   public CComCoClass<CMyContextMenu, &CLSID_MyContextMenu>,25   public IDispatchImpl<IMyContextMenu, &IID_IMyContextMenu, 26   &LIBID_ContextMenuExampleLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>,27   public IShellExtInit,28   public IContextMenu29 {30 public:31   CMyContextMenu()32   {33   }34 35 DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_MYCONTEXTMENU)36 37 38 BEGIN_COM_MAP(CMyContextMenu)39   COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMyContextMenu)40   COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch)41   COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IShellExtInit)42   COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IContextMenu)43 END_COM_MAP()44 45 46 47   DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT()48 49   HRESULT FinalConstruct();50 51   void FinalRelease();52 53 public:54   // IShellExtInit Method55   HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize(56     _In_opt_ PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidlFolder,57     _In_opt_ IDataObject *pdtobj,58     _In_opt_ HKEY hkeyProgID);59 60   // IContextMenu Method61   HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryContextMenu(62     _In_ HMENU hmenu,  63     _In_ UINT indexMenu,  64     _In_ UINT idCmdFirst,65     _In_ UINT idCmdLast,66     _In_ UINT uFlags);67 68   HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeCommand(69     _In_ CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO *pici);70 71   HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCommandString(72     _In_ UINT_PTR idCmd,73     _In_ UINT uType,74     _Reserved_ UINT *pReserved,75     _Out_writes_bytes_((uType & GCS_UNICODE) ? (cchMax * sizeof(wchar_t)) : cchMax) _When_(!(uType & (GCS_VALIDATEA | GCS_VALIDATEW)), _Null_terminated_) CHAR *pszName,76     _In_ UINT cchMax);77 78 private:79   HBITMAP MenuIcon1;80   HBITMAP MenuIcon2;81   HBITMAP MenuIcon3;82   HBITMAP MenuIcon4;83 84 85 };86 87 OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(MyContextMenu), CMyContextMenu)



原标题:Creating Context Menu / 创建上下文菜单项 / Win32, VC++, Windows, DLL, ATL, COM


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