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20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者

发布时间:2016-08-09 23:00:05
下面,我们给大家提供了一个用于 HTML5 开发的各种用途的 JavaScript 库列表。这些框架能够给前端开发人员提供更好的功能实现的解决方案。如果你有收藏优秀的框架,也可以在后面的评论中分享给我们。您可能感兴趣的相关文章期待已久的2013年度最佳 jQuery 插件揭晓小伙 ...

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者

  下面,我们给大家提供了一个用于 HTML5 开发的各种用途的 JavaScript 库列表。这些框架能够给前端开发人员提供更好的功能实现的解决方案。如果你有收藏优秀的框架,也可以在后面的评论中分享给我们。

您可能感兴趣的相关文章If you build HTML5 games or other interactive content, then be sure to check outEasyStar.js for asynchronous pathfinding in JavaScript. You can set all sorts of parameters for how paths are calculated based on your own needs through the API.

2. Resumable.js

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者Envision.js is a library for creating dynamic, interactive, and fast HTML5 visualizations from your data. Create time series visualizations with real-time or existing data, financial charts, and much more.

4. Zebra

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者CanvasQuery is a JavaScript library that eases working with HTML5 canvas and adds lots of new methods to it. The library provides a jQuery-like syntax and methods added are mostly for image manipulation (like masks, blur, crop or fill mask). It also brings blend modes, new shapes, text wrapping and much more. CanvasQuery can be used with or without jQuery, has methods for color conversion and can be extended with plugins.

7. AristoChart

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者gauge.js is a highly configurable 100% native looking animated JavaScript/CoffeeScript gauge with no dependencies. No images, no external CSS – just pure canvas.

9. Heatmap.js

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者Audio5js is a lightweight JavaScript library that solves this compatibility issue nicely. It provides support for multiple codecs and fallback to a Flash-powered MP3 player when needed. The library auto-detects the browser, knows its capabilities and loads the right player with the right codec. An API exists for controlling the player and has the functions for “load, play, playPause, pause, volume and seek”. Also, there are methods for getting the details (playing, duration, position, load-percent, seekable or not) of the item being played.

11. KineticJs

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者html5sql is a light JavaScript module that makes working with the HTML5 Web Database a whole lot easier. Its primary function is to provides a structure for the SEQUENTIAL processing of SQL statements within a single transaction. This alone greatly simplifies the interaction with the database however it doesn’t stop there. Many other smaller features have been included to make things easier, more natural and more convenient for the programmer.

13. Buzz

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者Modernizr is an open-source JavaScript library that helps you build the next generation of HTML5 and CSS3-powered websites. It lets you target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet by adding classes to your element. What?s easy is you don?t need to actually write any Javascript code to use this.

15. Easeljs

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者Collie is a Javascript library that helps to create highly optimized animations and games using HTML 5. Collie runs on both PC and mobile using HTML 5 canvas and DOM.Deck.js is a lovely JavaScript library for creating HTML presentations. While advanced users can build totally custom outputs, there are templates and themes for novice users to create a standard slideshow with no effort.

18. Canvas Loader

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.

20. Joint.js

20款 JavaScript 开发框架推荐给前端开发者



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