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发布时间:2016-06-23 15:00:06
固定(稳定)执行计划你的应用的功能时快时慢,变化比较大,功能的性能能够保持一种稳定的状态,ORACLE 固定执行计划,采用以下这几种方式oracle 9i使用 Outlineoracle 10g采用 sql profileoracle 11g增加了sql plan manageo ...



你的应用的功能时快时慢,变化比较大,功能的性能能够保持一种稳定的状态,ORACLE 固定执行计划,采用以下这几种方式

  • oracle 9i使用 Outline
  • oracle 10g采用 sql profile
  • oracle 11g增加了sql plan manage

oracle 10g采用 sql profile :两种模式

  • SQL语句历史的执行计划,找到一个合理的,进行绑定
  • 还有一种无法从历史的执行计划找到合理的,只能手工构造进行绑定



提供绑定shared pool中已有的执行计划中,找一个绑定或自己构造一个绑定

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name:  create_sql_profile.sql---- Purpose:   Create SQL Profile based on Outline hints in V$SQL.OTHER_for four values.----       sql_id: the sql_id of the statement to attach the profile to (must be in the shared pool),if sql_id is not shared pool,must be bulid sql plan----       child_no: the child_no of the statement from v$sql----       new_sql_id:需要绑定的SQL语句----       profile_name: the name of the profile to be generated----       category: the name of the category for the profile----       force_macthing: a toggle to turn on or off the force_matching feature---- Description:----       Based on a script by Randolf Giest.---- Mods:    This is the 2nd version of this script which removes dependency on rg_sqlprof1.sql.----       See kerryosborne.oracle-guy.com for additional information.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @rg_sqlprof1 '&&sql_id' &&child_no '&&new_sql_id' '&&category' '&force_matching'set feedback offset sqlblanklines onaccept sql_id -    prompt 'Enter value for sql_id: ' -    default 'X0X0X0X0'accept child_no -    prompt 'Enter value for child_no (0): ' -    default '0'accept new_sql_id -    prompt 'Enter value for new_sql_id: ' -    default '0'accept profile_name -    prompt 'Enter value for profile_name (PROF_sqlid_planhash): ' -    default 'X0X0X0X0'accept category -    prompt 'Enter value for category (DEFAULT): ' -    default 'DEFAULT'accept force_matching -    prompt 'Enter value for force_matching (TRUE): ' -    default 'TRUE'declarear_profile_hints sys.sqlprof_attr;cl_sql_text clob;l_profile_name varchar2(30);beginselectextractvalue(value(d), '/hint') as outline_hintsbulk collectintoar_profile_hintsfrom/*/outline_data/hint'passing (selectas is not null)) d;selectsql_fulltext,decode('&&profile_name','X0X0X0X0','PROF_&&sql_id'||'_'||plan_hash_value,'&&profile_name')intocl_sql_text, l_profile_namefromv$sqlareawheresql_id = '&&new_sql_id';dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile(sql_text => cl_sql_text,profile => ar_profile_hints,category => '&&category',name => l_profile_name,force_match => &&force_matching-- replace => true); dbms_output.put_line(' '); dbms_output.put_line('SQL Profile '||l_profile_name||' created.'); dbms_output.put_line(' ');exceptionwhen NO_DATA_FOUND then dbms_output.put_line(' '); dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: sql_id: '||'&&sql_id'||' Child: '||'&&child_no'||' not found in v$sql.'); dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: sql_id: '||'&&new_sql_id'||' not found in v$sqlarea.'); dbms_output.put_line(' ');end;/undef sql_idundef new_sql_idundef child_noundef profile_nameundef categoryundef force_matchingset sqlblanklines offset feedback on





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