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【leetcode】2. Add Two Numbers

发布时间:2016-06-05 22:00:10
题目描述:You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes co ...


You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.




public class Solution {  public static ListNode addTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {		if(l1==null)			return l2;		if(l2==null)			return l1;		int len1 = getLength(l1);		int len2 = getLength(l2);		//保证l1链表的长度不小于l2		if(len1<len2){			ListNode l=l1;			l1=l2;			l2=l;		}				int p=0; //用来保存进位		int n=l1.val+l2.val;		p=n/10;		n=n%10;		ListNode head = new ListNode(n);		ListNode current = head;		l1=l1.next;		l2=l2.next;		//还没有扫描完l2的情况		while(l2!=null){			n=l1.val+l2.val+p;			p=n/10;			n=n%10;			ListNode node = new ListNode(n);			current.next=node;			current=node;			l1=l1.next;			l2=l2.next;		}		//扫描完l2的情况		while(l1!=null){			n=l1.val+p;			p=n/10;			n=n%10;			ListNode node = new ListNode(n);			current.next=node;			current=node;			l1=l1.next;		}		//最后是否需要进位		if(p==1){			ListNode node = new ListNode(1);			current.next=node;		}    return head;  }	public static int getLength(ListNode l){		int count=0;		while(l!=null){			count++;			l=l.next;		}		return count;	}}



原标题:【leetcode】2. Add Two Numbers


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