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windows media player 播放视频

发布时间:2016-05-10 18:00:07
一、新建windows应用程序项目,添加vedioForm窗体二、在com组件中找到windows media player,添加引用三、代码如下: 1 public partial class VedioForm : Form 2 { 3 private AxWMP ...


二、在com组件中找到windows media player,添加引用


 1 public partial class VedioForm : Form  2 {  3     private AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer axWindowsMediaPlayer1;  4     public VedioForm()  5     {  6       InitializeComponent();  7       InitVedio();  8     }  9     private void VedioForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 10     {  11       InitVedioUrl(); 12       InitEvent(); 13     } 14   //初始化播放控件 15     private void InitVedio() 16     { 17       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1 = new AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer(); 18       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Enabled = true; 19       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 400); 20       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Name = "axWindowsMediaPlayer1"; 21       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 500); 22       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.TabIndex = 2; 23       this.Controls.Add(this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1); 24     } 25     //初始化播放控件的视频文件地址 26     protected void InitVedioUrl() 27     { 28       this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = @"D:/Vedio/default.wmv"; 29     } 30      31      32     protected void InitEvent() 33     { 34       axWindowsMediaPlayer1.StatusChange += new EventHandler(axWindowsMediaPlayer1_StatusChange); 35     } 36      37     //通过控件的状态改变,来实现视频循环播放 38     protected void axWindowsMediaPlayer1_StatusChange(object sender, EventArgs e) 39     { 40       /* 0 Undefined Windows Media Player is in an undefined state.(未定义) 41         1 Stopped Playback of the current media item is stopped.(停止) 42         2 Paused Playback of the current media item is paused. When a media item is paused, resuming playback begins from the same location.(停留) 43         3 Playing The current media item is playing.(播放) 44         4 ScanForward The current media item is fast forwarding. 45         5 ScanReverse The current media item is fast rewinding. 46         6 Buffering The current media item is getting additional data from the server.(转换) 47         7 Waiting Connection is established, but the server is not sending data. Waiting for session to begin.(暂停) 48         8 MediaEnded Media item has completed playback. (播放结束) 49         9 Transitioning Preparing new media item. 50         10 Ready Ready to begin playing.(准备就绪) 51         11 Reconnecting Reconnecting to stream.(重新连接) 52       */ 53     //判断视频是否已停止播放 54       if ((int)axWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState == 1) 55       { 56         //停顿2秒钟再重新播放 57         System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); 58     //重新播放 59         axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.play(); 60       } 61     } 62   } 



原标题:windows media player 播放视频


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