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CSS learnning...

发布时间:2016-03-18 15:00:03
"Whenever this property changes, apply that change slowly."The property transition: width 2s says “when the width ch ...

CSS learnning...

"Whenever this property changes, apply that change slowly."

The property transition: width 2s says “when the width changes, animate it over the course of 2 seconds.”

transition: all 0.5s says “when anything changes, spend 0.5s doing it.”

So if you want to round the corners of a button when it’s hovered?

/* Initial state: border-radius is 0. * When border-radius changes, it'll take 0.3s * instead of happening immediately */button {	border-radius: 0;	transition: border-radius 0.3s;	/* any other styles you need ... */}button:hover {	border-radius: 20px;}



原标题:CSS learnning...


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