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I2C bus

发布时间:2016-03-07 20:00:07
摘自 <<I2C-bus specification and user manual>> Rev. 6 -- 4 April 2014 1 features1) two bus lines: SCL, SDA2) each devic ...

I2C bus

摘自 <<I2C-bus specification and user manual>> Rev. 6 -- 4 April 2014


1  features

1)  two bus lines: SCL, SDA

2)  each device is software addressable

3)  multi-master

4)  100kb/s  ~ Standard-mode; 3.4Mb/s ~ High-speed mode


2  protocol

2.1  signals

  SDA and SCL are bidirectional lines, connected to a positive supply voltage via a current-source or pull-up resistor.

  Both lines are HIGH when the bus is free.

I2C bus

   Input reference level are set as 30% and 70% of VDD, VIL = 0.3VDD, VIH = 0.7VDD

2.2  data validity

    the data on SDA must be stable during the High period of SCL

    the data on SDA can only change when Low period of SCL

I2C bus

2.3  START and STOP conditions

    S condition, a HIGH to LOW transition on SDA while SCL is HIGH

    P condition, a LOW to HIGH transition on SDA while SCL is HIGH

I2C bus

2.4  BYTE format

    every byte put on the SDA line must be 8 bits long

    each byte must be followed by an Acknowledge bit

I2C bus

    If a slave cannot receive or transmit another complete byte of data until it has performed some other function,

    for example servicing an internal interrupt, it can hold the clock line SCL LOW to force the master into a wait state.

2.5  ACK and NACK

    ACK signal (LOW): the transmitter releases the SDA line during the ack clock pulse so the receiver can pull the SDA line LOW and it remainsd LOW durng the HIGH period of this clock pulse.

    NACK signal (HIGH): when SDA remains HIGH during this 9th clock pulse, the master can then generate either a STOP to abort the transfer, or a repeated START to start a new transfer.

2.6  slave address and R/W bit

1)  a complete data transfer

I2C bus

2)  a master writes data into a slave

I2C bus

3)  a master reads dta from a slave

I2C bus

4)  combined format

I2C bus



原标题:I2C bus


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