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快速解决mysql Lost connection to MySQL server at reading initial communication packet及cant connect to mysql server on localhost

发布时间:2015-12-24 16:00:14
今天在使用Navicat连一个远程mysql时,总是提示连接不成功,提示Lost connection to MySQL server at reading initial communication packet但mysql服务已经启动百度查之,终于找到解决方法如下:修改ho ...

快速解决mysql Lost connection to MySQL server at reading initial communication packet及cant connect to mysql server on localhost

今天在使用Navicat连一个远程mysql时,总是提示连接不成功,提示Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet




vi /etc/hosts.allow#加mysqld : ALL : ALLOWmysqld-max : ALL :ALLOW



原标题:快速解决mysql Lost connection to MySQL server at reading initial communication packet及cant connect to mysql server on localhost


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