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发布时间:2015-12-22 23:00:08
引言:数据库突然报: ORA-01654: unable to extend index BO.INDEX_indexname by 311072 in tablespace 错误,上网查原因,发现解决方法只有一个,就是增加tablespace的大小.现归纳解决此问题的方法如下. ...

引言:数据库突然报: ORA-01654: unable to extend index BO.INDEX_indexname by 311072 in tablespace 错误,上网查原因,发现解决方法只有一个,就是增加tablespace的大小.现归纳解决此问题的方法如下.方法1:   当出现类似错误时,首先检查tablespace的空间是否足够大,如果不够大,说明tablespace的空间不够扩展了,这时候需要将tablespace的datafile的size变大,方法很简单我就不讲了,或增加新的datafile到此tablespace中,使用alter tablespace mytablespace add datafile 'XXX' size xxxx就OK啦.方法2:   这就是我这此遇到的问题.我的datafile的size为2000m,而我的index的next extent为2G,pct increase为50,这样一来下一个要扩展的extent为3G,而我的datafile的Size为2G,故无发找到连续3G的空间,当然会出错.   问题找到了,解决当然很简单,修改next extent 为128k,pct increase为0,问题解决.不知道是谁设定的,真是个低级错误.---------------------------------------------分割线---------------------------------------------问题现象:测试库使用如下方式创建索引:create index IDX_ANA_OFFICE on ANA (OFFICE_CITY, OFFICE_NO)问题追查:Error:  ORA-01654 (1)、针对表空间不足的情况,建议使用DBA_FREE_SPACE视图进行查询(Note: 121259.1提供了若干脚本)。的是试图分配的区大小(也就是报错中涉及的内容)。locally managed tablespaces, Oracle looks for free space to allocate to a new extent by first determining a candidate datafile in the tablespace and then searching the datafile’s bitmap for the required number of adjacent free blocks. If that datafile does not have enough adjacent free space, then Oracle looks in another datafile.Possible solutions:- Add a datafile: - Resize the datafile: - Enable autoextend: - Defragment the Tablespace- Lower "next_extent" and/or "pct_increase" size:下面这句话我认为是重点:about Temporary Tablespaces (文档 ID 188610.1)”这篇文章会介绍如何查看临时表空间的连续块大小)。够的连续空间,那么可能需要其他的选项。pctincrease <integer>);ORA-1651: unable to extend save undo segment by %s in tablespace %sapplied.ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace %sORA-1653: unable to extend table %s.%s by %s in tablespace %sORA-1654: unable to extend index %s.%s by %s in tablespace %sORA-1655: unable to extend cluster %s.%s by %s for tablespace %sORA-1658: unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace %sORA-1659 unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond %s in tablespace %sor PCTINCREASEORA-1683: unable to extend index %s.%s partition %s by %s in tablespace %sORA-1688: unable to extend table %s.%s partition %s by %s in tablespace %sORA-1691: unable to extend lob segment %s.%s by %s in tablespace %sORA-1692: unable to extend lob segment %s.%s partition %s by %s in tablespace %sORA-3234: unable to extend index %s.%s subpartition %s by %s in tablespace %sORA-3238: unable to extend LOB segment %s.%s subpartition %s by %s in tablespace %sbecause there is not enough space in the tablespace indicated.是减小extent分配大小的方式,另外上面提到的扩大文件、修改参数值、消除碎片化等方法都可以尝试使用。原网址:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-12/93685.htm



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