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Failed to create AppDomain 'xxx'. Exception has been Failed to create AppDomain

发布时间:2015-12-10 12:00:05
一服务器上的数据库全部被置于紧急模式(EMERGENCY),在错误日志里面能看到大量下面的错误 Failed to create AppDomain "YourSQLDba.dbo[runtime].79". Exception has been thrown ...


Failed to create AppDomain "YourSQLDba.dbo[runtime].79". Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Failed to create AppDomain "YourSQLDba.dbo[runtime].76". Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


在Error Log里面,我们可以看到甚至包括YourSQLDba这个库也被设置为单用户模式、紧急模式。如下截图所示,这个发生在凌晨YourSQLDba_FullBackups_And_Maintenance作业启动做备份、维护的时候。

Failed to create AppDomain

Google 搜索了一下这方面资料,看到了官方的一个解释,如下所示。 具体参考这个链接Failed to create AppDomain "master.sys[runtime].X"

Microsoft 在 2011/12/6 於 22:24 公佈

Errors like:



原标题:Failed to create AppDomain 'xxx'. Exception has been Failed to create AppDomain


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