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Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#

发布时间:2015-10-12 02:00:15
Part 36 Delegates in c#Part 37 Delegates usage in c#class Progim { public static void Main() { List<Employee> empList = ne ...

Part 36 Delegates in c#

Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#

Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#

Part 37 Delegates usage in c#

Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#
class Progim  {    public static void Main()    {      List<Employee> empList = new List<Employee>();      empList.Add(new Employee() { ID = 101, Name = "Mary", Salary = 5000, Experience = 5 });      empList.Add(new Employee() { ID = 102, Name = "Mike", Salary = 4000, Experience = 4 });      empList.Add(new Employee() { ID = 103, Name = "John", Salary = 6000, Experience = 6 });      empList.Add(new Employee() { ID = 104, Name = "Todd", Salary = 3000, Experience = 3 });      Employee.PromoteEmployee(empList);    }  }  class Employee  {    public int ID { get; set; }    public string Name { get; set; }    public int Salary { get; set; }    public int Experience { get; set; }    public static void PromoteEmployee(List<Employee> employeeList)    {      foreach (Employee employee in employeeList)      {        if (employee.Experience >= 5) //this is hard code logic, next part we will using delegete replace it.          Console.WriteLine(employee.Name + "Promoted");      }    }  }

原标题:Part 36 to 39 Talking about Delegates in c#


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