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SSMS For Beginner Part 1 to 10

发布时间:2015-09-13 16:00:08
Part 1 Connecting to SQL Server using SSMSnote that,SSMS is a client tool and not the server by itself,it is a developer machines connects t ...

SSMS For Beginner Part 1 to 10

Part 1 Connecting to SQL Server using SSMS

note that,SSMS is a client tool and not the server by itself,it is a developer machines connects to SQL Server.

Part 2 Creating altering and dropping a database

you cannot drop a database , if it is currently in use you will get an error stating. so , if other users are connected, you need to put the database in single user node and then drop the database.system database cannot be dropped.

Part 3 Creating and working with tables

for example:add a foreignkey relation.



Alter table Student Add Constraint Student_GenderID_FKFOREIGN KEY (GenderID) references Gender (ID)



原标题:SSMS For Beginner Part 1 to 10


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