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豆机/梅花瓶 java

发布时间:2015-04-03 16:00:24
1 import java.util.*; 2 3 public class Slots6_21 { 4 final static int DEPTH = 10; 5 6 public static void main(String[] args) { 7 S ...
 1 import java.util.*; 2  3 public class Slots6_21 { 4   final static int DEPTH = 10; 5  6   public static void main(String[] args) { 7     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 8  9     System.out.print("Enter the number of beans: ");10     int beans = input.nextInt();11     12     simulate(beans);13     14   }15 16 17   public static void simulate(int n) {18 19 //最后一层的结果数组,slots[i]表示i+1位置豆子个数20     21     int[] slots = new int[DEPTH+1];   22     23     for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {24       int col = slots();25       slots[col] ++;26     }27 28     for(int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {29       System.out.println(slots[i]);30     }31   }32 33 //计算每一层的结果34   public static int slots() {35     int[] layer = new int[DEPTH+1];36     layer[0] = 0;37     for(int j = 0; j < layer.length - 1; j++) {38       if((int)(Math.random() * 2) == 0) {          39         layer[j+1] = layer[j];40       } else {41         layer[j+1] = layer[j] + 1;42       }43     }44     return layer[layer.length-1];45   }46 }



原标题:豆机/梅花瓶 java


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