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发布时间:2015-03-29 00:00:26
//首先看一下自己是否有公钥,在 我的资料-->SSH公钥 查看,如果没有,添加自己的SSH 公钥://SSH Key 可以让你在你的电脑和 Git @ OSC 之间建立安全的加密连接$ ssh -T git@git.oschina.net//若返回Welcome t ...

//首先看一下自己是否有公钥,在 我的资料-->SSH公钥  查看,如果没有,添加自己的SSH 公钥:

//SSH Key 可以让你在你的电脑和 Git @ OSC 之间建立安全的加密连接

$ ssh -T git@git.oschina.net

//若返回nothing added to commit but untracked files presentIf no other git process is currently running, this probably means aIf no other git process is currently running, this probably means aInitial commitnothing to commitPlease make sure you have the correct access rightsPlease make sure you have the correct access rightsPlease make sure you have the correct access rightsboyatekiMacBook-Pro-2:weibo zbj$ git config --global user.name "zb_j"



*特别声明:以上内容来自于网络收集,著作权属原作者所有,如有侵权,请联系我们: admin#shaoqun.com (#换成@)。